Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Six Interesting Reasons To A T. S. Harris Art Show

By Daniel Foster

Each one of us has a certain way of dealing with different art forms. While most people enjoy doing creative sculptures and painting, there are people who are just content with appreciating them. This could not be simply taught an learned in school because in order to truly see their worth you got to have the passion and heart for it.

Over time, there have been movement from contemporary artists to showcase their own collection and pieces. One of them is TS Harris who is know for her large format figure paintings that highlight women. She comes from a family that has also celebrated art in their profession which makes her an apple that did not fell far from the tree. Here are some reasons why her pieces have been talked about.

Contemporary Artists. There are new names in the industry which we easily overlook just because they are newbies. Well, what you should know is there could be significant potential in them because they have that clean slate, a kind of blank canvass. That could give them more room to grow in this business where it takes complete passion and skill to begin with.

Art Education. Different artists offer various learning through their works and pieces. This is one reason why people should not just limit themselves to a particular kind of art. There are still thousand others just waiting to be discovered and appreciated. When we see and realize its true value that is when we have gained our own education.

Emotional Connection. One of the most important lesson art has given to us is the connection we can feel through viewing them. There would always be that sense of reaching out to a certain piece and trying to figure out what it tells to you. That way you are one with million of people who have seen something so connective and intimate with art forms.

Boost Creativity. The great thing about going to shows that display amazing works of various talented artist is they also help enhance your creative juices. This is probably the reason why most people whose fields are centered on creativity visit these places. It is actually a real help especially if you simply do not have the inspiration and motivation.

Interaction. Visiting museums would encourage you to get involved with other patrons because it would spark a discussion that would lead to useful information and learning. It is actually a helpful way to bridge gap of differences since there will be room for healthy interaction and intellectual discussion. You would both learn from one another.

Art Etiquette. This is particularly essential because as a visitor you have to give some kind of respect to the works displayed. The artists who made them have exerted not just effort and time but also their soul and passion. That is simply why you should behave accordingly whenever you find yourself inside a gallery or a museum.

Art is not something exclusive, it does not cater to a limited number of people only. If you have always been on the other side of the door perhaps it is time you come in and experience the whole deal for yourself. You would be truly amazed at the wonders of what you will see. This particular artist just might be the perfect piece to start with.

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